Nijagal Lab - Homepage

We are pleased to announce that Amar Nijagal, MD has been selected for the AASLD CTORA Award (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Foundation) for his proposal & work focused on hepatoblastoma. The award provides Dr. Nijagal with $200K of funding for 2 years and is intended to fund his research project entitled “Defining the role of tumor associated myeloid cells in pediatric hepatoblastoma.” This is a vital stepping stone for his lab & continuing science. For more information on the ASSLD CTORA Award, please visit
Featured News
Featured Publications
- Immunology of Biliary Atresia.
2025 | PubMed - Perinatal liver inflammation is associated with persistent elevation of CXCL10 and its canonical receptor CXCR3 on common myeloid progenitors.
2024 | PubMed - Index admission cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis reduces 30-day readmission rates in pediatric patients.
2023 | PubMed - Neonatal Hepatic Myeloid Progenitors Expand and Propagate Liver Injury in Mice.
2023 | PubMed - Advances in the Treatment of Neonatal Biliary Disease.
2022 | PubMed

A gift to the Nijagal Lab will help us to identify novel cell types and pathways that may serve as a link between the immune system and fetal development.